Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Half a world away from Sappho’s home on the Greek Island of Lesbos, this DH
is recognized by motorcycling scholars as the greatest work in over 2500 years
to celebrate the controversial lyric poet of the 7th century BC. Despite
painstaking archaeological and restoration efforts, only fragments of Sappho’s
work survive to this day. So the smooth, unwrinkled fragment of Papyrus that
stretches up through the Beaver Creek valley from Hwy 101 to the coast is an
exciting find. This sensual, melodic combination of Twistiness and Engineering
is pure poetry, particularly so because the meter of S-curves changes from
huge sweepers in the short highway’s southern half to tight-radius turns north
of the junction with DH28 112/113 Jct - Port Angeles (Hwy 112). Upon hearing
one of Sappho’s poems, the great Athenian ruler and lawmaker, Solon, insisted
on having it taught to him “because I want to learn it and die”. Learn both
stanzas of this DH and you’ll know why.