Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Location, location, location! You don’t see a DH like this come on the
market very often. Located on the prestigious Hwy 20, the eastern two-thirds
of this wilderness gem winds through the Colville National Forest and Little
Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge. Pavement and Engineering are of
contemporary design, with added touches like newer asphalt, setback trees, and
a wide, double molding of paved and grass shoulder beside much of the road.
You’ll have to overlook the mess coming in the door, where Lego homes are
cluttered about the flight of straight, grassy steppes rising out of Colville.
But Feng Shui is excellent on the DH’s remote upper levels, as evenly spaced
curves pass through wall-to-wall pine in the Little Pend Oreille River valley.
Tight, cozy switchbacks coming down the pass to Tiger contribute further to
the Character. Come see if this is the highway you’ve been looking for. No
appointment necessary.