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DH63 (Non Feature DH)
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Distance: 32.0 mi / 51.6 km Traffic: Light

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At a Glance

The well-beaten path along the Columbia River north of Kettle Falls has served as a passage between Washington and British Columbia for centuries. Early travelers journeyed by foot and horseback, later by paddle-wheeler, eventually by rail, and more recently, by sport-tourer. But this newest technology presented a clear need for a well-paved and engineered bed of pavement so that the growing numbers of motorcyclists would be able to ride smoothly along the Columbia River’s terraces. Thus, DH63 was born. Although curves were considered an integral part of the success of this project, shoddy construction has resulted in some treacherously straight sections in the middle. But you’ll still find excellent twisties in the limited, but stellar sections at either end. Whether you take this route to connect with some of BC’s 85 Destination Highways, or plan to loop back to Hwy 20 via one of its fine TE’s, touch your tires to this DH. And beat a path to your rims.



 Riders Reviews:
"This is a great DH and loops into some good TE rides. Excellent scenery and Kettle Falls is a hub for not only DH13, DH14 & DH65 but going south there are some really great TEs between Hwys 395 and 25. Heading south on 25 leads to lots of other DHs as well. Worth a trip!"-KH