Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Think you’ve go what it takes to go to Yale? Frankly, if you’re into artsy
fartsy stuff like Remoteness, Scenery and Character, you may want to think
twice before enrolling your wheels. But if you want to pursue a serious course
of study in the harder sciences of Twistiness, Pavement and Engineering, this
DH is a great place to pick up credits. Although the road cribs the route of
the Lewis River, you spend most of the ride with your nose buried in the
trees. And even when the forest breaks for the frequent housing, there’s
nothing much to look at. Which means you can dissect the road’s tightest
corners — in the middle and just before the end — without any frivolous
panoramic views distracting you. With its proximity to Portland, run-ins with
townies are not unheard of, especially on weekends when they invade campus
with their RVs and boat trailers. But as long as you stick to the three Rs
(revving, riding, and wristmatic), you’ll graduate with honors.