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DH34 (Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating:
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Distance: 42.4mi /68.3km Traffic: Light

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At a Glance

This DH is a tempting little cookie, and that’s not just because the towns on either end sound like they were named by Mr Christie. Beginning in Tonasket, you cruise up the west bank of the Okanogon River through a hydrogenated mix of fruit farms and bungalows. The quality of the DH’s ingredients improve, however, as you veer westward through the dark and milk chocolate-colored hills, savoring the creamy engineering along Spectacle Lake. The center filling of Palmer Lake, squeezed between the baked mountains north of Loomis, is especially delicious, since you lick your way around more than half the circumference of its mouth-watering edge. And how do you resist those buttery, meltin’-your-tires esses through the Similkameen River canyon between Nighthawk and Oroville? Just a caution for allergy sufferers: May contain speed tax nuts.


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