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DH11 (Non Feature DH)
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Distance: 54.2 mi /87.2 km Traffic: Light

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At a Glance

You deserve a break today. So get up and get away to this remote road in north-central Washington. This region’s landmarks are limited to the skeletal remains of once-booming towns like Chesaw and Molson and the grave of Ranald McDonald. With little around but canyons and hollers, sagebrush-strewn plains and curve-enchanted forests, you don’t have to travel very far east of Oroville to see the traffic dwindle. But the secret to this DH’s success is not just its Remoteness, or that its striking Scenery is as varied as the Pavement quality. It’s that each segment of this patchwork of roads adds its own great taste. Did somebody say DH11?
 Riders Reviews:
"I just love this whole area ... every summer I go through Osoyoos more than once then head south to explore this road and the other DHs nearby. Love the desert scenery, the small towns, the lack of traffic ... simply awesome!" --Horst Unger

"This DH has some of the most beautiful scenery in central Washington. You can ride at any pace and still enjoy everything it has to offer. It is very remote with a virtual ghost town at the eastern end. The other end is at a fairly large town just south of the Canadian border. Or you can take TE-B to a slightly smaller town." --Matt Welborn