Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Bonaparte Creek. Bonaparte Lake. Little Bonaparte Mtn. Although Napoleon
left his mark at many places around here, we’re disappointed he couldn’t
prevent this DH suffering the bitter wages of WSDOT’s war on curves. While the
Pavement’s probably slightly better than what the Little Emperor found, we
expect this section of highway was a lot twistier when he first led his armies
here. True, this section of Hwy 20 begins its march westward with an orderly
formation of curves, winding steadily up the hillside out of Tonasket. But
once you breach the ridge and storm the Bonaparte Creek valley, curve-combatting
engineers outflank your left-right-left maneuvers. Wave after wave of
straightaways launch their beleaguering attacks as you roll through the
Bonaparte Creek, Toroda, and West Granite Creek valleys. The spirit of the
revolution still lives, however, in the skirmish of esses just beyond the TE-A
turnoff, the sweeping assault on the Wauconda Summit and the victorious, final
descent into Republic. Vive le DH!