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DH65 (Non Feature DH)
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Distance: 28.8 mi / 46.3 km Traffic: Light

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At a Glance

In 1811, David Thompson, renowned British explorer and fur trader, became the first person of pallor to visit Kettle Falls. In exchange for some tea and a few Union Jack flags, the natives took time out from fishing the falls to build him a large cedar canoe so he could map the Columbia River southwards. Modern exploration is better done by motorcycle, of course, and thanks in part to Dave’s trailblazing, you can explore this relaxed route, steeped in moderate Kettle River valley Scenery, north all the way to Canada. Twistiness and Character are a bit tepid, but the other TIRES components should be hot enough to stir your pot. Particularly the strongly brewed Pavement and Engineering that let you boil along on the southern half and are only a tad weaker in the north. But don’t get burnt by swindlers. Whether it’s the Kettle’s Barstow-based speed tax collector, or some ancient bugger in coarse leathers trying to trade tea, flags and a beat-up canoe for an Indian Scout.



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