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DH27 (Non Feature DH)
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Distance: 12.5 mi / 20.1 km Traffic: Heavy

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At a Glance

Dirty Dan Harris, the hygienically challenged founder of Fairhaven, got a million dollars from land speculators for his townsite and, rumor has it, sank this money into Samish Bay oysters. If he had chucked his nuts onto a new Harley with some of those bucks, Dano could have ridden America’s first official scenic highway - a true black pearl of Pavement, Twistiness and Scenery forced by the Chuckanut Mountains to skirt the cliffs of Samish Bay. Since this seaside link hasn’t been a major artery since 1931, no attempt has been made to harvest this road’s tightly winding, sometimes poorly Engineered sweetmeat. If only its Remoteness were as well preserved. This DH can be so populated with pylons that the only gear-work you do involves shifting your attention to the beautiful ocean inlet views over the bay to Rosario Straight and the San Juan Islands. And that’s a shame since its bucketful of waterside Twistiness has recently been coated with a nacre of new asphalt. Even if you’ve got as much coin as Dan, you should still beware the red and blue tide of speed tax collectors shucking cash on the wide shoulder at the highway’s south end. After all, no matter how dirty you are, everyone likes a clean driving record.


 Riders Reviews:
"I give this a conditional sport-riding score of 6. The heavy traffic killed the score. There are several technical sections along this road, including double apexes and changing camber. One or two require you to set your line in a blind curve, but only once did I find myself not where I wanted. Free passing zones are few and far between despite adequate sight distance. Expect traffic to be uncooperative by going excruciatingly slow in the curves followed by full throttle on the exit. Maybe they think they are being polite, I don’t know. Watch for a few of the trucks to straighten out the esses, too. After getting the lay of the land, it is useful to ride the road in sections. There are many places to turn around if you so choose (or for the occasionally courteous motorist to pull over and wave us by!). Don’t forget to keep an eye in your mirrors so you can wave the locals/regulars past." --Lumberg