Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Okay sailor, let’s get ya briefed. Fall in behind those boomer boys on shore
leave from the US Navy Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor – the ones
who’ve traded in their deadly FU ballistic missiles for potent Honda F4s. They
know if you’re going to submerge into the confusing maze of the Kitsap
Peninsula, it’s best to deploy a lethal 600cc cruise missile. Make no mistake,
this DH is no picnic. Twistiness? Maxed out. Pavement? There are some rough
currents but you can expect mostly smooth sailing. Remoteness? Better the
deeper you go. And if you want even more deep blue sea, add a couple more
torpedo runs on TE-B and C. Scenery? Sure, it’s mostly scrubby forest crowding
the roadside, but if you don’t keep your rocket targeted correctly you could
crash-dive right into it, especially when the Engineering is poor. Although
we’ve charted the best course we could find out here, tactical maneuvers are
up to you. Dive! Dive! Dive!