Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
Sedro Woolley has always seemed a strange name for a town. Though admittedly
better than Bug, the moniker the town’s founder threatened to use. But there’s
certainly nothing strange or irritating about the DH that ends just south of
town. Its numbers don’t put it in the top ten, but Twistiness is wooly enough
and provides better kinks than most nearby roads. Pavement is pleasing and
about what you would expect from a well-maintained secondary highway near a
major metropolitan center. The Scenery shouldn’t rub you the wrong way either;
it’s your average west-of-the-Cascades foothill combo of lowland agriculture,
forest and the odd body of water. With the Arlington end’s troubling proximity
to mushrooming Seatopolis, the future will bring more growth and traffic to
the road’s townlets and hence less Remoteness. But for the time being, about
the only thing that should seriously get on your nerves is mistakenly droning
on parallel I-5 instead. Buzz off down this road and see for yourself.