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California Diary

May 03
June/July 03


DHCA-N's Position on
Recall of the Governor

DHCA-N's Official Position on the recall of California's Governor:

Aanold Swarzten…. Schwartez….Swanzen…(ah hell, he can’t even pronounce the name of the state correctly) recently announced he’s running for Governor on Leno. Naturally, we were appalled at seeing this. Even though both supposedly ride, neither of them brought up a single issue relating to motorcycling!  

Even so, we have to admit that, if we could (and we can’t, ‘cause we’re aliens –we can apparently only get drivers licences), we’d vote for the Gropenfuhrer to become the Governator.  Yeah, we’re for Aanie, in spite of the fact that he drives the mother of all SUVs and that he has an odd predilection for bikes from an out of production motorcycle marque. But at least he’s been known to ride unlike the incumbent, this silent Gray fellow. 

Sure, from the evidence so far, Aanold --like Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and some say George Dubya as well-- seems to, shall we say, possess the advantages of uncluttered thought. But hell, if America can survive Ronnie and Gerry (and will probably survive Dubya), then the Golden State surely will survive its new golden boy. 

True, it’s a bit disturbing, given the complicated choices and seemingly intractable problems Californians face, that Aanie (not unlike politicians everywhere) panders to the false belief that the decisions to fix everything are simple and painless. The real problem that Californians have is their refusal to face any unpleasant realities. Aanie’s just another pol feeding this refusal.  In this regard of course, Californians are not any different from other Americans or, indeed people in many other countries. (Hey, wishful thinking has been a core Canadian value for decades now, affectively substituting for any substantive positions in both Canada’s domestic and foreign policy.)   

Mr S seems particularly bothered that many people have left California, suggesting that if only the state can attract millions more people to replace those who have fled the horrors of Californication, everything will get back to being hunky-dory (or at least hunky).  Sorry Aanie, guess we’re a bit thick.  Can you explain again, how millions more people are going to improve the quality of life in the state rather than make it increasingly worse as has been the case now for the last few decades? 

Frankly, being from British Columbia, we’re most disturbed by Aanold’s inability to pronounce “California” properly.  You see, not long ago we had a Premier (the Canadian equivalent of Governor) named William Van Der Zalm who couldn’t pronounce the name of our province. The closest he could come was “Burtis’ Clumbia”. 

Now, I know that seems like a trivial thing but look, this guy turned out to be a complete nutbar who, no lie, during his Premiership ended up living in a castle in the middle of a place officially called Fantasy Gardens! We’re not kidding.  And he was such a disaster as Premier that he was finally turfed out by his own party. (The electorate destroyed his party in the subsequent election anyway, replacing them with a whole new crop of equally incompetent bozos and crooks. But that’s another story….) Our point here really is only that it should be mandatory that anybody who wants to be Governor has to be able to say “California” correctly.

In any case, it may be that no one can make California’s gridlocked society work any better than its increasingly sclerotic freeway system. The former has much the same problem as the latter; too many people demanding too much from a system that is increasingly unable to cope. And at the same time becoming too costly to even maintain, never mind expand. (The state used to spend about 30% of its revenues on infrastructure; it is now spending 1%!)  

So if the state continues to head down the tubes anyway, what the hell, might as well have a Governor who at least promises to be amusing to watch as he flounders in the bladerunnerish morass of it all, right?  We’re with the LA Times: when all the laughing stops, Californians will have to live with the result that they’ve obviously lost their sense of humor. And in this crazy ‘ol world, in the end isn’t that all you’ve really got? We say mark your ballot for total recall then vote for Aanold Whatsisneggar.

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